静电放电抗扰度 III 级
电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度 IV 级
浪涌(冲击)抗扰度 IV 级
工频耐压:通信与信号输入之间 AC4kV 1min。
bAud 波特率选择
PAri 校验选择
LEd 背光时间(预留)
PL 网络选择
UPri 一次电压
iPri 一次电流
UMSK 电压屏蔽值
iMSK 电流屏蔽值
ADL series DIN-rail mounted multifunctional electric energy meter is an intelligent instrument mainly designed for new energy power generation systems such as photovoltaic grid-connected system, micro inverter system, energy storage system, AC coupling system, etc. The product has the advantages of high precision, small volume, high respondent speed and convenient installation. The product has the features of sampling, metering and monitoring power parameters, communicating with an inverter or an energy management system (EMS), realizing the functions of preventing reverse flow, regulating power generation, charging and discharging batteries according to real-time power and accumulated electric energy, and realizing bidirectional metering and household distributed photovoltaic energy management.